A winter morning

A winter morning

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Undoubtedly winter is the coldest season. There remains fog all around in winter. Sometime the fog is so dense that the sun rays can not get through it. Everything
looks hazy. Sum rays Dew drops fall on leaves and grass at night. Sun rays fall on it in the morning
and it glitters like pearl. This scenery is really beautiful. The rich wear warm clothes and enjoy the
scene. Even the can get up from bed late. But a winter morning is very unpleasant to the poor. They
suffer a lot in winter morning. Because they have no warm clothes. They gather dry straw and make 
fire to warm themselves. However in a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes. In
all respects, through a winter morning is enjoyable for rich, it brings distress for the poor.


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