English funny jokes

Funny Jokes

1. Conversation Husband and Wife

     Wife: Had you taken your lunch?
     Husband: Had you taken your lunch?
    Wife: I am asking you .
    Husband: I am asking you.
    Wife: Are you copying me?
    Husband: Are you copying me?
    Wife: Let's go for shopping.
    Husband: Yes I had taken my lunch.

2. A student is talking to his teacher.
    Student: Sir, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
    Teacher: Of course not.
    Student: Good, because I haven't done my homework.

                                             3. Conversation between patient and doctor 

    Man: Is there any way for long life?
    Doctor: Get married.
    Man: Will it help?
    Doctor: No, but the thought of long life never come.

4. conversation between a boy and a girl

 Girl: What you think about our love?   
Boy: Try to count the stars in the sky.
    Girl: Wow.... it's infinite.
    Boy: No, it's waste of time.

5. Teacher and funny student
Teacher: Tell me three sentences in different tense with example.
    Boy: I saw your girl (past)
            We are in love (present)
            We will run away tomorrow (future)


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