My Hobby: Gardening


Hobby means one's favourite occupation. But it is not a main business. It is is a source of joy and pleasure. It is a way to enjoy our leisure period. Our body and mind need joy and pleasure. Hobby
makes our body and mind fresh. So, everyone must have a hobby.

There are many kinds of hobbies. Different people have different hobby. Such as stump collecting,
kite flying, fishing, gardening, singing etc. Thus, I am a student. So I have also a hobby. The name of
my favourite hobby is gardening. I have a garden of flowers and vegetables.It is in front of my reading room. In my garden I have planted many kinds of flowers and vegetables. I have put a fence 
around my garden. When flowers bloom my garden look very beautiful. My heart fills with joy when anyone praise about my garden.

Gardening is my favourite hobby. Because I don't want to waste my free time. I love flower very much. It keeps my body and mind fresh. It also removes the monotony of my life. So it is my favourite hobby. I work in my garden regularly. After come back home from my school I enter
my garden. I work there for one hour. I also give water to my plants.

In conclusion we can say that hobby is a great source of pleasure. A man must have a hobby for sound body and sound mind. It keeps him away from bad company. So everyone should have a hobby.


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