Unity is strength

 A farmer and his four sons

Once upon a time there lived an old farmer in a village. He had four sons. The relation between four sons was not well. They fought with each other all the time. So the farmer was very upset. The neighbors were also disturbed every now and then for their loud shouts. The farmer tried to bring them into their sense but failed. At last he thought of a plan. He told their sons to bring some sticks.
His sons brought some sticks. Then the farmer said to tie all the sticks in a bundle. They tied sticks
in a bundle. Then the farmer said to break this bundle of sticks. Every son tried to break it but failed.
Then the farmer untied the sticks and gave one sticks to every son. Then he told to break the sticks. 
Every son broke stick easily this time. Then the old farmer said to his sons,"you are like these sticks.
When you are united, you are strong but when you are alone, you are weak." The son understood about their mistakes and promised not to quarreled again.


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