Water Pollution

Water pollution

Water is one of the major elements of environment. Water is called life as the life of both animal and plant is impossible without water. But it is a matter of sorrow that water is polluted day by day because of many reasons. Water pollution is a threat to life. It is polluted in many ways. With the development of industries, large amount of industrial and municipal wastes are discharged into rivers,
lake and canals. Fertilizers and insecticides are used in the land by farmer. Rain and floods wash away these chemical and mix them with the water of rivers, canals etc. A lot of latrines are build up on the bank of river and it is a cause of water pollution. There are many harmful effects of water pollution. By drinking polluted water people become ill. Fishes die in polluted water and even farming becomes impossible in severely polluted water. It is a threat to our natural environment.
People can stop water pollution by being conscious of it. People should use sanitary latrines, ship owners should be careful to build the bottom layer of their ship properly to stop oil slipping. By
doing all of this we can stop water pollution.


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