
Now days we can not think a single moment without science. Science has invented many wonderful things. Internet is one of the wonderful invention of science. Internet is a global network. It is also called the storehouse of information. Internet is used everyday in many works. It is used almost all over the world. Internet has improved our communication system. It has provided an exciting and easy mode of communication known as E-mail. Today we can send mails to anyone living any part of the world. Not only mails can be send but we can also chat with our near and dear ones. We can make video call by using internet. Internet is also used in offices in their works. We can read newspaper by using internet sitting in home. We can apply for admission test or job by using internet. We can know about result of many examination by using internet. Internet is also used in E-commerce. We can buy ticket of bus, train or airplane by using internet. It is also used in more different works. We should make proper use of it.


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