Effects of covid 19 on education

The disease Covid 19 spreads almost all over the world due to coronavirus. WHO( World Health Organization) declares it as a epidemic. For the safety of students and human lives almost all countries of the world decided to close educational institutions. Bangladesh is no different. Since March 17, 2020 all the educational institutes in the country remain closed. The direct and most immediate impact of covid 19 on the education sector is the loss in learning opportunities. More than 36 million students of Bangladesh are now out of school. However, the loss in schooling hours is not only impact looming out from the covid 19 crisis. On top of learning, school are also an important source of social protection, nutrition, health and psychological supports to children and young adults. Because of closing schools, colleges, universities the students are now neglect from their studies. Such fallout in poverty from economic crisis has long term impacts. Due to economic crisis many countries migh...