A report about road accident


Two lives were lost in a road accident in Dhaka.

staff reporter, Dhaka city, 11 November

Two biker were dead brutally in a road accident near ......... in Dhaka city at 10:30 a.m. A speedy motorcycle was crashed with a running bus. The biker was dead on the spot and his friend was injured seriously. After taking the biker's friend at hospital, doctor declared him dead at noon 1:30 p.m. It is reported that the biker named ....... , son of....... was a student of a private university and his friend name............ , son of ........... was his school friend. People became very frightened at this mishap. Consequently, the traffic in the road stopped for several hours. A case was also filed to the local police station in this connection. Road accident is a curse. Hope that all of us will be conscious while traveling and drivers also need to be careful.


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