A conversation about preparation for upcoming examination

Conversation between Raju and his friend Sumon:

Raju: Hi, sumon how are you?
Sumon: I am fine. What's about you?
Raju: I am fine too. 
Sumon: Our examination is knocking at the door. What's about your preparation?
Raju: My preparation is well. I have completed all the subjects. Now I am revising these subjects.
            I hope that I will cut a good figure in the examination.
Sumon: I hope so. because you are a good student.
Raju: What's about your preparation?
Sumon: My preparation is not so well. I could not study properly for two weeks because of my illness. I have recently completed Bengali, English, Mathematics and Physics subjects. Other subjects
are almost completed. Pray for me so that I can make a good result in the examination.
Raju: Sure, You also pray for me.
Sumon: Of course. Okay see you again.
Raju: Okay, good bye.


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