Agriculture in Bangladesh

 Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Most of the people of Bangladesh depend on agriculture. Agriculture plays a vital role in our economy. Agriculture provides practically all the food grains consumed in the country and yields larger quantity of raw materials like cotton, jute, oil-seed etc. for the principal manufacturing industries. The need for agriculture improvement is imperative from many points of view. Poverty can be remove by the sector of agriculture. It provides us not only food but also it helps us to earn money. A huge amount of people of our country are related to agriculture. Unemployment problem can be solved by agriculture. The soil of Bangladesh is very fertile. So, farmers can cultivate many kinds of crops in our country. These crops can fulfil our demand and also These kinds of crops can be exported in foreign country. The improvement in agriculture sector is very necessary for us. We can train our farmer for betterment in agriculture. Night school should be established in every village for adult education. Our farmers should be taught to use scientific methods of cultivation. In many points of view we can say that agriculture is the backbone of our economy. So we should take necessary steps to development of this sector.


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