A report about food adulteration


Food adulteration becomes a great problem nowdays. 

Staff reporter, Dhaka, May 11, 2022

Food adulteration becomes a serious problem in our country. Today almost every food available in our market is adulterated. There are many reasons for food adulteration. It is done in different ways to gain profit quickly and more. Mainly some greedy businessmen are reasponsible for thes kinds of adulteration. Sometimes, foods are given artificial colour to make them attractive to people. Many time poisonous chemicals are used for this purpose. It is a harmful threat to public health. 
There are many bad impacts of food adulteration. People are suffering from many disease because of food adulteration. More than 40 people became ill and admitted into hospital in Dhaka because of eating adulterated foods in last week. This problem is increasing day by day. It is almost going out of control. So we need to be concious to eat street food. We can eat fresh vegetables curry cooking at home. Everyone should try to avoid street food to keep them fit. Government has taken already many necessary steps to solve this serious problem. Effective laws are enforced against the culprits. Mass media can also play an important role in creating public awareness. We should stand against this for the prevention of food adulteration. By doing these, we can hope that we will get an effective result.


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